Sunday, May 17, 2009

Chalice Reflection & A Completely Divine Day

Chalice Reflection
Joan Lunt
First Parish Unitarian Universalist
Cohasset, Massachusetts
May 17, 2009

Note: Joan wrote this after she and her Circle Ministry (small group ministry) group spent a day working at a Habitat for Humanity project in Hingham. She offered it as her chalice reflection.

With a happy heart and money to spend,
Our circle ministry was challenged to lend,
Our vision, our skill to seed and connect,
New beginnings awaited us, I did suspect.

One cold winter Sunday in Trueblood Hall,
We began with a mission and a call,
To share our passions and hobbies held dear.
Our stunning success became very clear.

Starting with spinach calzones and ending with treats,
We discovered each other's special feats,
And music was made and a seed was planted,
Our wish for a special connection was granted.

Next a promise and a new endeavor,
A selfless act to be proud of forever,
So it was on that dreary April morn,
Our connection to Habitat for Humanity was born.

So loving, kind and friendly was our crew,
We knew this was what we were meant to do,
Coming together in this significant way,
Made for a truly glorious day!

Thanks for the connections,
Thanks for the promises we honored so true,
Thanks for the challenge we knew we could do.